stories of a city & other places

Month: January 2024

Lady Essiala Ariathia ban Vor’cle

Portrait of Lady Vor’Cle by the esteemed Malfian artist Jil t’Succubus.

RPG/Campaign: Rogue Trader (Warhammer 40K RPG)

Lady Essiala Ariathia Sorjiik den Morgenstern ban Vor’cle is the Navigator Primaris of the void-ship Gloriosa Lux Misericordiae Imperialis, a role she has held for just over a standard decade. She is a bookish and reserved woman, wearing her noble bearing as a mask to conceal her terrors and inner loneliness.

Her full backstory lies below.

Voyages with Lazarus Voidghast

New Beginnings Among Old Stars

Personal Journal of Essiala Ariathia Sorjiik den Morgenstern ban Vor'cle, Navigatrix Primaris
Encryption Sigil: Vor'cle-HEXAMATIS-3917.theta
Vessel: Gloriosa Lux Misericordiae Imperialis, rogue-trader of Dynasty Void-ghast
Location: Unnamed system P3-287x1.J1, Koronus Expanse, halo-Segmentus Obscurus
Date: 4.358.816.M41
Thought for the day: Knowledge is power, hide it well.

> Next Record: Arrival on Damaris

We have just completed our first transit into the true Expanse under the new Lord-Captain of our illustrious vessel, a feat well-performed by Secudus Orisik den Teutonus under my tutelage. Category minoris aetheric interference was encountered, but within expected tolerance for proximity of the great storms of the Maw. I feel this is a good omen for my Secundus’ skills and look forward to writing a firm recommendation once this voyage is complete.

While we were transiting realspace to our next translation point and allowing our exteemed vessel to recover from the travails of the Immaterium, we received an astropathic distress message which I have recorded in full below. In summary, the colony world Damaris, e.J1 trailing toward the Foundling Worlds, is besieged by xenos-threat, category ‘Ork’, and calls for aid from any and all Imperial forces.

The astropathic distess call from Damaris

Our new Lord-Captain boldly and righteously determined that we should immediately offer our services to assist this beleaguered site of one of the holy relics of the beloveed Saint Drusus, and I relieved Secundus den Teutonus at the Helm and began preparations to guide us on this noble crusade. Though we are but one sword, I trust in Him On Terra that others will join us in facing the forces of the brutish Ork.

I am still undecided of what to make of our new Lord-Captain, Lazarus Void-Ghast. He seems entirely free of preconceptions, or indeed of any conceptions, and rather too earnest and forthright for one raised close to the heart of a Dynasty as vaunted and ancient as the Void-Ghast. Perhaps he simply needs the fire of the void to burn away his impurities and bring forth the gold of his blood.

The new Helm-Mistress, Petream procul Memorias, is also a puzzle. The new Lord-Captain brought her aboard and, while it is his right to do so, she feels ill-suited to her role. She has a coarseness and lower-decks quality more suited to piloting a lighter than a true void-craft, but has undeniable skill at the helm and perhaps the swift and graceful heart of our esteemed vessel will respond well to the hands of one suited to command strikecraft. Of greater concern are the rumours of recidivism in her past, especially as she has the bearing of one born of the warfleets and yet lacks none of the overt punitive scars that base criminality brings in those harsh ships.

On these matter, Arms-Master Katsuhiro and I see eyes to eyes for once, although I feel his revulsion for a poor attempt at humour more related to the ship’s Master Mouser. He holds the feline in greater regard than any other grounder that I have encountered, perhaps his years in the void have untethered him from their crudities and helped him rise to be a better human.

These are all puzzles to be unpicked and understood. I will, of course, maintain full records of my findings for the House and our good friends.

Adjunct entry
Date: 6.372.816.M41 (shipboard) || 3.358.816.M41 (local)
Location: Damaris System, Koronus Expanse, halo-Segmentus Obscurus

We have arrived in the Damaris system after a short Immaterium transit. Currents were swift and laden with chronischismatic aberrations that caused psychogenic spalling on contact with our gellar fields and wards. I believe that our Lord-Captain has never set foot so far from the light of the Imperium, for his first experience of a transit aberration was harrowing to his fragile soul. Reports from the bridge were that a manifestation of his predecessor, Lord Eleazar Void-Ghast, appeared on the bridge and judged him wanting, upon which he retreated to his quarters to gather strength against the orks. I will review the pict data of the event, but it sounds like a category 7.aleph Psycho-Sanguinary Event. I wonder what skeletons and lies exist in our Lord-Captain’s past to stir something like that.

The swift currents of the Immaterium caused some distortions in our translation to real-space – a minor retrochronological event, thankfully without causality distortion, and a potentially tragic deep-well translation. Our new Helm-Mistress Petream procul Memorias proved her skills to be exemplary in saving the vessel from tragedy. It was as if Saint Nilkas themself guided her hands and eye. I thank Him On Terra and all the Saints for her skills.

Now we must see what manner of threat these Orks present to Damaris and how we may counter them.

Other Worlds & Other Stories

Sticky post

It has been a long time since I last used this blog and, while the Blackmouth project continues to grow, very little of it is in a state ready to share with the world.

And yet I wish to practice my writing and posting it here, where it can be seen and read, forces me to complete projects and work through the difficulties and stressors that stymie so many of my past attempts to create.

So I will be posting stories of other characters from other TTRPGs here under the tag and category Other Stories. I hope someone reads them and enjoys them 🙂

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