Personal Journal of Essiala Ariathia Sorjiik den Morgenstern ban Vor'cle, Navigatrix Primaris
Encryption Sigil: Vor'cle-HEXAMATIS-7197.terpsichore
Vessel: Gloriosa Lux Misericordiae Imperialis, rogue-trader of Dynasty Void-ghast
Location: Damaris System, Koronus Expanse, halo-Segmentus Obscurus
Date: 3.361.816.M41
Thought for the day: Through the destruction of our enemies we earn our salvation.

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> Next Record: A Gala at the End of the World

I must apologise to my reader for the incompleteness of the remainder of this record. The disruption of my post-transit rituals, compounded by the unwholesome intensity of the local gravity and disruptive glare of the Caeruleum-Gigans primary of the system were deeply draining for me. I have endeavoured to maintain as full a record as possible. Please see adjuct vox-cords taken from trusted sources and personal vox-mnemovaults as supplement for these written records.

Our arrival in Damaris has not found any Ork presence within the system, the Xenos forces are yet an estimated 036 standard away from first contact. Instead we found a woeful lack of valorous human unity among the defenders of Damaris. Where one fleet should have been arrayed to support the planet’s defence station (designated ‘The Bulwark’) in the defence of the world, there were at least three scattered and disconnected squadrons of ships who were not even in vox-net with each other. In addition to the system defence ships were the vessels of two other Rogue Trader dynasties and a light cruiser of Battlefleet Calixis. While I trust in the valour of Gloriosa Lux, resolute allies against the foul xenos threat are always valuable.

The Bulwark and ships over Damaris

Arrayed in orbit are the Ordained Destiny, a redoubtable cruiser mastered by Lord-Captain Jeremiah Blitz, of who I sadly know little save for his name; the Starweaver, an elegant and nimble frigate of the Orleans dynasty whose warp-guide with whom I have corresponded in the past; and the potent imperial warship Aegis.

There were extensive discussions with the local traffic-master on our arrival that I was not fully privy to. I had begun my post-transit rituals within my private chambers when such communications occured, but reliable sources informed me of their content. Despite some technical difficulties, a vox-cord of which I have attached to this log for posterity, our noble Lord-Captain and his entourage were invited to meet with the planetary governor to discuss the defence of the system against the orkish forces. I was roused from my post-transit rituals with what I can only describe as immodest haste to join a strategy meeting and to descend into the bowels of the gravity well to meet this planetary noble.

The journey to the governor’s palace was enlightening, including the revelation that our Helm-Mistress was as competent at a groundling vehicle as a true vessel. I believe that I misjudged her skill based on her facade, and I will keep a closer eye upon her in future.

The groundling city was quite impressive and suitably arrayed in Imperial decor and faith. Evidently Damaris was been brought into the Emperor’s light soon after the Koronus Expanse was opened to exploration. Many well-crafted statues of saints both great and local were on display, perfectly maintained despite the provinciality of the planet.

We arrived at the governor’s palace as a heated argument was taking place between noble defenders come to aid Damaris in its time of need and the local commanders of ground forces. One among them, the Lady-Captain Orleans of the Starweaver, appears to have an insalubrious personal history with our own Lord-Captain, or perhaps with the Voidasghast dynasty. Perhaps something connected to the actions of our noble Lord-Captain during the warp transit to Damaris, or perhaps another osseuous gathering within his chambers.

Our arrival was sufficient excuse for the governor, the peacockish Lord Belkan Kapak, to finally exert his Emperor-granted authority to quell the discord. We were brought into a private audience with Lord Kapak, where he and Lord Voidasghast socialised over what I suspect was some local-varient of obscura, and we were formally welcomed to Damaris. And invited to a gala tomorrow. Words cannot approach the capacity to express my deep and unabiding lack of interest in such a groundling function, but I shall attend and express the nobility and grace of House Vor’cle to the very hilt of my ability.

For now, though, I may finally rest. I offer fervent prayers to Him on Terra and all his Saints that this may be a dreamless sleep.

I have addended all details gathered thusfar about Damaris and all notable figures – including Governor Kapak, Captain Locke, General Dante, and Lord-Captain Orleans – in a secure mnemo-adjuct for later perusal by House and Friends.