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Tag: rogue trader

The Battles for Damaris

Personal Journal of Essiala Ariathia Sorjiik den Morgenstern ban Vor'cle, Navigatrix Primaris
Encryption Sigil: Vor'cle-HEXAMATIS-3920.numinous
Vessel: Gloriosa Lux Misericordiae Imperialis, rogue-trader of Dynasty Void-ghast
Location: Damaris System, Koronus Expanse, halo-Segmentus Obscurus
Date: 3.408.816.M41
Thought for the day: By the manner of our death are we judged.

< Prev Record: Preparations for War
> Next Record:

The first wave of Ork vessels have crashed upon the bulwark of our warhips and been broken. Gloriosa Lux and the mighty Aegis, accompanied by the system ships Temerity and Gothon struck two vast ork roks and their escorts from the void, sending them to burn to ash in Damaris’ atmosphere. The valiant Aegis stood firm under Lord Captain Locke’s command, weathering multiple strikes from the crude Orkish weapons and dealing savage damage to the Ork hulks. Temerity and Gothon flew and fought like raptorans, their machine spirits shining bright as true voidcraft as they engaged the foe.

Amid this contest of champions the lion’s share of valour was rightly claimed by Gloriosa Lux herself. The keen guidance of our helm and ferocious gunnery burned the heart from the Ork vessels, even as our valiant Lord Captain personally lead raid after scything raid deep into the heart of those lumbering behemoths.

Reports flowed in from local space as we surveyed the orbital space now strewn with the shattered wreckage of Orkish folly. The Ork had been routed all across the battlespace but victory was not absolute. A single rok had breached the defences commanded by Lord Blitz, battered and broken but still sturdy enough to weather landfall and disgorge its green horde onto Damaris’ soil. Disappointing but unfortunately expected, our defences were spread thin and the ork tide vast beyond counting.

Even as the fleet and the stalward Bulwak held back the oncoming tide, the war on Damaris began in earnest. Orbital fire cauterised the worst of the horde while the planetary garrison showed courage and discipline far greater than anyone could have expected from them.

The next assault came struck without warning. I and the other navigators aboard the void-craft around the planet had been observing the deep system to ascertain the location of the Ork redoubt. The intense radiative flux from the Caeruleum-Gigans primary angered the machine spirits of our augers, streaking their hololith displays with jagged storms of data ghosts and impeding even my best efforts. We were able to determine that at another wave of roks and escorts were descending into the gravity well but they were calculated to be at least 018 standard from engagement range. Then a tremour in the immaterium stirred my True Sight and collision alarms began to blare.

External augers showed ork warships directly ahead, still steaming with the volatile unrealities of the Immaterium. The suicidal xenos had made a suicide dive transit deep into the gravity well of the system. One of their vessels had not survived the manouevre but three more, battered and scarred but ready for war, turned their guns on our fleet. Once more our skills overcame brutish alien muscle. Noble Gloriosa was wounded by the beasts but survived to stand across their wreckage due to the exceptional skills of the system-ship Temerity, once more proving that at least some on this fringe world have true Imperial mettle.

The surprise attack rattled even the brave defenders of Damaris. If we could not locate and strike back at the ork redoubt then we would forever be on the defensive against the brutes. An effort was made to use the wake of the Ork transit to trace the location of their base in the outer system, with a mad plan of making our own surprise assault in kind. Him on Terra favours the bold but I fear that boldness is beyond even His blessings, for the brutality of the Ork assault had churned the Immaterium almost to the point of an aetheric storm and immediate Class.IIa resanctification measures were implemented to protect Gloriosa and impeach Him on Terra to protect us in times of strife.

It was amidst these preparations that contact was made with another party to our war. An aeldari vessel was descending toward Damaris, weapons idle and transmitting a message offering assistance against the Ork horde. Lord Captain Void-Ghast was rightly hesitant to treat with the perfidious xenos but felt that the direness of our situation was great enough to simply speak with the creatures. If matters of treachery occurred, we could simply strike them down. A single aeldari frigate was no match for our defensive fleet.

An arrangement was made to meet in the wilderness of Damaris, far from the threats of Orks and potential misunderstandings, and perhaps for another reason. Deep within the unsettlingly verdant forest of wild Damaris lay strange ruins, evidently xenos in origin and similar to aeldari structures in their wide curving lines and crystalline decoration. The aeldari arrived before I could complete my examination of the structures, but I have included a full pict record of the structures for the examination of sufficiently sanctioned xenographers.

The aeldari made a capable pretense of negotiation. Only one spoke, identifying itself as Bhaine Dhûn of the Craftworld Kaelor and stated that an ork victory on Damaris would set matters in motion that would threaten his home. To that end it offered us information, knowledge of a location where the ork warboss would be in 018 standard without the full protection of his fleet, and a promise that the ork would not be slain unless we saw its head taken from its shoulders. This is obvious aeldari perfidy. These xenos do not help us unless it is in their interests, but the information provided offers a chance we did not have before. A counter attack is possible and the war may be won.

Addendum: Additional Data

I have included a full holopict recording of the aeldari datavault and all of its contents. It appears to be an extremely advanced astrograph of the outer planet Skadi and location where the Ork command vessel will be located. Full containment protocols have been followed to prevent any contagion from xenos datagheists.

I have also included a full record of Lord Void-Ghast’s negotiations with the aeldari, including his “dance of thanks” and the aeldari weapon he has acquired.

Preparations for War

Personal Journal of Essiala Ariathia Sorjiik den Morgenstern ban Vor'cle, Navigatrix Primaris
Encryption Sigil: Vor'cle-HEXAMATIS-6184.malacant
Vessel: Gloriosa Lux Misericordiae Imperialis, rogue-trader of Dynasty Void-ghast
Location: Damaris System, Koronus Expanse, halo-Segmentus Obscurus
Date: 3.398.816.M41
Thought for the day: Only by His sword is Mankind saved.

< Prev Record: A Gala at the End of the World
> Next Record: The Battles for Damaris

I must apologise for my delays in completing this journal. These last cycles have been laden with much activity and preparation for war and I be brief in this record for the ork vanguard is approaching within battle range.

Magos Shard, the planetary leader of the Mechanicum upon Damaris, offered his holy knowledge and techno-insight into the incident in the Enginarium. Following a deeper examination of Gloriosa’s burning heart, he expressed suspicion that the message was a subtle manipulation of her machine spirit, intended to manipulate us in turn as a regicide player does a pawn. A most concerning idea, made infinitely much worse by the magnitude of beings that could accomplish such a feat. At the Magos’ request I will not record the name he spoke or commit it to mnemovault, merely record it as =][=.X.A.41-287.’DECIEVER’ for the benefit of our Good Friends.

The remaining time before the arrival of our foes was consumed by preparation. Voidmines have been placed at the system’s Mandeville point to blunt any assault that may descent from out-system, and mercenaries have been recruited to supplement the meagre planetary levies.

Helm Mistress Petriam showed her naval mettle and drilled the command chamber crew to perfection, while Lord Captain Locke forged our meagre gathering of vessels into a squadron worthy to face the Ork. Master Katsuhiro recovered well from his augmentic implantation and was swiftly briefing General Dante and the planetary levy on how to face and defeat the orks, though I am still hesitant of their chances if the beasts make planetfall. None of them have fought a true xenos foe and know the ork only from the earnest but unhelpful words of the Imperial Infantryman’s Primer.

My own time was spent in recuperation and healing, retraining myself to use my hands correctly and disciplining one of my Tertiaries for deigning to comment on my condition. As they will insist on using their words for idleness and insubordination, then they shall learn to exist withough them. If Tomaris proves themself worthy of speech again by the end of this voyage, I will return his capacity for it in the hope that he uses it more wisely.

The first threads of attack began .001 ago with an unseasonal and inexplicable meteor shower. I cast the Emperor’s Tarot and found threat in the unknown skeins weaving around us all, and so roused the command crew to action. There was understandable consternation at this disruption of rest so close to war, for all know that orks are brutish and stupid creatures incapable of great cunning.

I was right to do so. For, within an hour of the meteor fall, word was raised that an outpost near the crash site had gone dark. The planetary miliary was unable to respond with sufficient haste and it was felt meritorius that the leaders of the defence should take this moment to show their mettle. So, Lord Captain Void-ghast, Master Katsuhiro, Mistress Petriam and myself landed at the site with a squad of hand-picked armsmen at our back.

Pict-record of an Ork fought at the Outpost

The outpost was too quiet. Its walls were holed with precision weapons and its bunker guns silent. The orks did not rampag through the ruins, firing and looting and fighting as their brutish kind is wont to do. Instead they skulked in shadows, faced painted in lurid purples, waiting to strike from ambush and using suppressive volleys of fire to cover close assaults. These were the strategies of the professional soldier rather than the brutish xenos.

Yet for all this primitive cunning they were no match for our fire and sword. I did not realise how inexperienced our Lord-Captain was until this moment but he came through his baptism of fire and blood with a measure of glory. He cut down one of the beasts with plasma fire while Petriam sundered the another with her power-sword and Katsuhiro shattered the remainder of them in a hail of bolter shells . For my own part, I had forgotten how tiring it was to exert the full force of my gaze, even against a single target, but I was also able to modulate my True sight to allow only the fringes of power to stretch forth like a corona in eclipse and so ensnare one of the orks so it could be cut down like the filth it is.

Our examination into the fallen bunker was cut short by a detonation, for the beasts had sabotaged the site. With no orks remaining on the planet and injuries in need of chirurgical attention, we returned to Gloriosa Lux to consider what we had seen. If the Emperor had not protected us, the ork demolitions would have sent us all into His arms, and the Damaris’ defence would have been decapitated. Concerns of treachery or espionage were raised and will be investigated. The razor of Hanlon may dictate that incompetence is more likely than malice, but incompetence in the face of the enemy is sinful and must be cut out.

Adjunct entry
Date: 3.398.816.M41

We have sighted the enemy – Roks accompanied by Onslaught-class raiders – unsubtle but dangerously effective weapons fit for the crudities of the ork. Gloriosa and all her complement stand ready for battle. None may be allowed to make planetfall.

Simple pict-record of Ork Rok and accompanying escorts

May Him on Terra grant us strength to sunder these brutes.

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