Michael Rathlin

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Michael Rathlin
Biographical Information
Born Meritt, 1985
Age 24 (in 2009)
Residence Dekker Street Station, Blackmouth
Occupation Kitchen porter at Oasis
Organisation Wardens
Family Absent mother, alcoholic father
Related Pages
Character Sheet
Character Questions

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Michael Rathlin

Michael Rathlin was born in Meritt on November 1, 1984. He was born in a place of little importance, to people of little importance. As a child his main skills were keeping quiet, and being invisible.


When he was a child his mother left, as she couldn't cope with the alcoholic depradations of his father anymore. He would play out vivid fantasies of her coming back someday - not to reconnect, but to spirit him away to wherever it was she had gone. As time passed, these fantasies became compromised - bitterness and resentment began to lay their eggs in them, and indeed, in everything else. No memory, thought, nor neuron, was spared. His fantasies of salvation became replaced by fantasies of destruction, as everything in the world became to blame for what he had suffered.

Born Again

To become a werewolf is the greatest of changes. The dawning of a new day, or to be more accurate, a new moon. For Michael, he gained 6 inches in height, and was finally healthy, strong, purposeful. Imagine a cockroach that could win a fight, what a wonderful inversion of events!

One of the worst things that can happen to a person is known as the "False Dawn", in which they pin their hopes on a thing, this one pinprick of light, and when they finally seize it, it is not the answer they wanted it to be. Michael's newfound strength was the most acidic of all poison pills - because everyone around him got even stronger. It made sense to him, after all, they started higher, so it would make sense that they'd stand higher after the change, too. Fair's fair. Shot, broken, beaten, devoured in dreams, eviscerated in wake.

The Present Situation

No longer full of bravado, he has remembered the teachings of his youth. He does not fight, he does not win. He is silent, and he is invisible. The light and the glory are for others, and he didn't even want it anyway. He assures himself of that. With this, all that remains are the only remaining measures he can take to feel any semblance of safety and security in this world that is set to devour him. The abandonment of dignity, and the embracing of true, nihilistic violence. He will clutch a silver blade close to his chest, and those monsters will die in their sleep.