Jerome Gévoudan/Character Questions

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Answers to 20(ish) Questions for Character Design


  1. What emotion best describes your character? Seriously frustrated.
  2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? Cringiness.
  3. What does your character need most? Respect.
  4. What is your character’s goal in life? Companionship.
  5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Get good at doing cool things.


  1. Where did your character come from? Poor but loving home in east Merritt, worked hard though public education.
  2. When did you grow up? When he finished school and had to face the world.
  3. What values does your character hold? Might is not right, there's more than one way to skin a cat (learned conditioning), don't bite off more than you can chew (from upbringing), "Oh yeah? Well fuck you!" (if all else fails)
  4. How does your character dress? Baggy clothes, hoodie, too long since his last haircut.
  5. What are your character’s means? Access to a tech repair shop as a part-time employee, few friends but supported by and supports family.


  1. What are your character’s personal tastes? Enjoys superhero anime, physics facts and red meat.
  2. What are your character’s opinions? Rich people are all assholes. Mesomorphs are overprivileged. Girls are either scary or enchanting.
  3. What is your character’s comfort zone? Likes the club and the job, but there's no place like home.
  4. Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life? His parents - poor but proud; The owner of the tech repair shop; Mr King CHakrii.
  5. What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks? Surprisingly good in a fight for a nerd. Uses considerably cruder language when under pressure. Unexpectedly assertive when discussing a proficient subject.


  1. What is in your character’s pockets? Keys, worn wallet, old phone he scavenged and repaired, precision tool kit, interesting scrap electronics, gum shield, well-used boxing wraps.
  2. How does your character get around? Walking.
  3. Where does your character live? With his family on the east side of Merritt, near Montgomery Projects.
  4. What is the routine of a normal day for your character? Cycles through community college, work, and training at the club.
  5. What three words best describe your character's personality? Submissive (but internally defiant), nervous (but wishes he wasn't), cringeworthy.
  6. What three words would others probably use to describe your character? Dorky, non-entity, easy target.


  1. What kind of story does your character belong in? Underdog, coming into his own story.
  2. What role does your character fill? Artificer tank.
  3. What should the other players know about your character? I would love to be your friend.
  4. What is your play style? Flexible.
  5. How do you want your character to die? Noble sacrifice, or old and happy.
  6. If you could, what advice would you (the player) give your character? You can do it!