Vic Kinsella

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Vic Kinsella
Biographical Information
Full Name Victor Michael Peter Kinsella
Occupation Mechanic, street racer, gang boss
Organisation McKittrick Street Crew
Pack Wardens (affiliate)
Family Morrigan (cousin)
Physical Description
Gender Male (he/him)

"Big Vic" Kinsella is a street racer and driver-for-hire, the leader of the McKittrick Street Crew, and blood-relative of the leader of the Wardens werewolf pack.


Vic grew up in a Lockham and quickly found he had a knack with cars, both stealing them and driving them. He was happy with an uncomplicated life until the law finally caught up with him and he ended up convicted of GTA and imprisoned. When he got out a few years later, he was left with nothing but his skills and a reputation for keeping his mouth shut. The girlfriend who had been waiting for him was dead, yet another unsolved case mouldering in the back of a BCPD drawer somewhere, and his crew had scattered to save their own skins.

After some time drifting he was found by someone, a cousin he barely knew from a side of the family no-one had ever talked about. She called herself Morrigan and told him things that helped make some sense of the world and the things lurking in the shadows. She was putting a group together to deal with things like the ones that killed Ciara and family helped family. He called in a favour owed for keeping silent about just why he had committed GTA, got some seed money and started a business in Lennox to act as a front for a new crew. The McKittrick Street Crew drive for themselves, for hire, and sometimes for Morrigan. Family helps family.


A tall Caucasian man with a strong jaw, freckled skin, auburn hair swept back and beard trimmed neat and close, and amber eyes. Dressed casual with a celtic knot necklace.

Storytelling Hints

Vic talks with intent and rarely wastes words, pausing for effect and to let the implied threat sink in. He opens up a little more around people he knows, with little moments of cheer bubbling to the surface when the serious mask has been loosened. Enjoys having a good reason to cut loose and hurt someone. Broad accent with a touch of an Irish burr when drunk.

Virtue & Vice: Loyalty and Wrath. Vic has a fire in his blood that often gets the best of him, but he never turns his back on kin or crew.


Under A Killing Moon

Vic appeared as the leader of a group of a small street crew acting as impromptu security at the parking garage on Kilcairn Street where Atlas and Jerome encountered Michael after his First Change, met Morrigan and Jack for the first time, and learned what was happening to them. Atlas got into a minor argument with Vic about her car.


  • Morrigan: His cousin and connection to a bigger and stranger world.
  • Ushkovych Family: Ukrainian mafia family who Vic and the MKSC have done work for in the past.


  • Street Racer (8 dice, 9-Again): Vic is a crack driver, highly skilled at driving and maintaining almost anything with wheels.
  • Underworld Connections (6 dice, 9-Again): As the boss of the McKittrick Street Crew, Vic has connections throughout the criminal networks of the city, especially among the fences and fixers who keep the black markets moving.
  • Street Brawler (6 dice): Vic did not get where he is today without the ability to break a few heads, helped greatly by the fire of the wolf-blood in his veins.