Morris Mayfair/Character Sheet

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Family: Anakim Hunger: Tyrant
Legend Violent Life Protective
Aspirations: (OOC) Get investigated, (OOC) Meet Carter, Run a prize fight
Conditions: Starving
Mental: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Social: Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
Mental: Academics 1, Crafts 2, Occult (Spirit ScienceTM) 1, Politics 2
Physical: Athletics 3, Brawl (boxing, teaching) 3, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Survival 1, Weaponry 1
Social: Intimidation (unsubtle threats) 2, Persuasion 1, Socialise 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
Other Traits
Merits: Ally ('Big' Jimmy Munro) 3, Contacts (underworld), Fighting Style (Brute Force) 1, Fighting Style (Boxing) 4, Fighting Style (Relentless Assault) 2, Iron Skin 2, Primordial Cult 2, Resources 2, Staff 1
Birthrights: Unstoppable (add Lair to Health)
Atavisms: Cyclopean Strength, Heart of the Ocean, Relentless Hunter, Terror's Friend
Nightmares: You Cannot Run, You Will Never Rest
Lair Traits: Poor Light, Flooded, Unstable
Lair: 2 Satiety: 1
Health 11 Willpower: 5
Size: 5 Speed: 10 Initiative: +5
Defence: 5 (6 vs. unarmed) Armour: 2 vs. bashing

Experience: ???

Exp Spent/Bonus: 32 = 5 (Lair x1) + 4 (atttribute x1) + 6 (skills x3) + 1 (specialtys x1) + 8 (merits x8) + 8 (out of family atavisms x2) = 15 supernatural/17 mundane


Starving (Persistent)

Your character has a low Satiety (one to three dots). At this point, the Hunger is a consuming compulsion she cannot “just shake.” It’s always in the back of her mind. The character is raw and dangerous, teetering on the edge of Ravenous.

Systems: The Soul is restless, wandering through the Lair. This prevents the Beast from accessing the Lair as easily; it is in a constant state of flux and harder to pin down. The player suffers a –2 to any attempt to open Primordial Pathways.

If the Beast does manage to open the Lair, though, their Soul rushes to join with them, hoping that a feast will follow. While the Beast is in her Lair or otherwise joined with her Soul, add her Lair rating to her Power.

Resolution: Increase Satiety to four or more dots.

Beat: If the character takes an irrational, clearly dangerous, or deeply risky behavior in pursuit of Satiety, take a Beat. As well, if your character hurts a loved one, broodmate, or a character with the Family Ties Condition in pursuit of Satiety, take a Beat.

Atavism Abilities

  • Dead-lift or shove items up to Size 10.
  • Gain [Lair] automatic successes to Strength + Stamina rolls for performing feats of strength.
  • Can breath water and air, though takes an Instant action to change between the two.
  • When underwater, add [Lair] to all physical actions and can swim at double normal Speed.
  • Immune to cold and pressure of deep oceans. Can see through darkness and murky/clouded water.
  • Whenever Morris succeeds at a Resisted or Contested roll, his opponent gains the Shaken condition, or Frightened if he gets an exceptional success.

Low Satiety

  • Morris can use anything he can lift as an improvised weapon (Weapon bonus is lower of the object's Size and Durability). Object size is not subtracted from Strength + Dexterity + Athletics when determining throw distance.
  • Can sense the presence of anything that would increase his Satiety if fed upon, detecting them even if concealed (Clash of Wills vs. supernatural concealment).
  • Allies within [Lairx10] may choose to add 2 dice to all rolls for the remainder of the scene. Doing so causes them to gain the Spooked condition. Characters who use the bonus more times than their Resolve suffer a Breaking Point against Integrity.

Satiety Expenditure

  • Spend 1 satiety (Reflexive Action): For the remainder of the scene, add [Lair] automatic successes to all Strength rolls.
  • Spend 1 satiety (Reflexive Action): All foes within [Lairx10] yards whose Resolve + Supernatural Tolerance is less than Morris' Strength + Intimidation must flee the battlefield or gain the Beaten Down tilt. Heroes suffer the Insane tilt instead if they refuse to flee.
  • Spend 1 satiety (Instant Action): Blight an area up to the size of a large building with the eroding power of the deeps for [Lairx2] hours. Large structures taking 1 Structure damage per 30 mins while small items take 1 per minute. Creatures are immune, animals instinctively flee.


You Cannot Run

Don’t move. Whatever you do, don’t move. Don’t breathe, don’t even blink. It will see you if you do. Just stay still, stay very, very still, and maybe it will go away.

Dice Pool: Wits + Satiety vs. Resolve + Supernatural Tolerance

Normal: The victim’s Speed is halved; he suffers a –2 penalty on any action not related to hiding or avoiding notice.

High Satiety: The victim freezes up completely: eyes wide, jaw clenched, muscles locked, not daring to move an inch. Any action the victim takes that isn’t related to hiding, avoiding notice, or otherwise not drawing attention to himself requires a reflexive Resolve + Composure roll. If this roll fails, the victim can’t do anything but remain as still as possible. In combat, the victim loses his Defense for the turn in which he fails the roll.

Satiety Expenditure: The victim gains the Fugue Condition with the triggering event of “being acknowledged by another person.”

Exceptional Success: If questioned later, the victim is unable to remember anything about the time he spent under the effects of this Nightmare, beyond the all-consuming need to stay hidden.

You Will Never Rest

Moments stretch into hours. Days. You can’t remember the last time you slept. Fatigue weighs at you, dragging you down, urging you to close your eyes and rest.

Dice Pool: Wits + Satiety vs. Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance

Normal: The victim gains the Fatigued Condition as though he’d been awake for 24 hours. If the victim has already been awake for 24 hours or more, add the time he’s been awake to the results of this Nightmare.

High Satiety: Every success on the activation roll counts as 24 hours without sleep. Moreover, if the victim falls asleep as a result of this Nightmare, it’s less a restful sleep and more a tormented coma: any attempt to wake the victim is reduced to a chance die, and the victim regains no Willpower from the sleep.

Satiety Expenditure: Rather than fall asleep, the victim passes into a highly suggestible state in which the Beast can mold his deepest fears. The victim gains the Frightened Condition. The Beast may then define a number of additional circumstances equal to her Wits that will trigger the Frightened Condition in the victim as long as the Nightmare lasts.

Exceptional Success: The victim suffers a –2 penalty on all Stamina + Resolve rolls to remain conscious.


Boxing (Fighting Style)
  • Head Protection: Morris gains +1 Defence against attacks using Brawl and opponents take a further -1 penalty to target your head.
  • Defensive Jab: When an opponent misses with a Brawl or Weaponry attack, Morris can deal 1 point of bashing damage that ignores armour. If he Dodges, change this to 1 point per 2 successes that exceed the opponent’s attack roll (round down, minimum 1).
  • Knockout Artist: Treat opponents as 1 Size lower for purposes of inflicting Stunned. If you target their head, treat their size as 2 lower instead.
  • Combination: If you hit with a Brawl attack, roll your Dexterity as dice and add successes to damage.
Brute Force (Fighting Style)
  • Falling Pillar: Morris gains 8-again when making an all-out attack. If an all-out attack causes damage equal or greater than opponent’s Stamina, they gain Knocked Down Tilt.
Relentless Assault (Fighting Style)
  • Drop of a Hat: +3 to Initiative score in first turn of combat, as long as intending to make an all-out attack. This bonus fades after the first turn.
  • Eye of the Tiger: Retain defence against your target when making an all-out attack.