Michael Rathlin/Character Sheet

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Auspice: Irraka
Blood Fox Bone Wallflower
Aspirations: Join the Blood Talons. Feel strong.
Conditions: Spooked, Shaken, Madness
Mental: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 2
Physical: Strength 2/3/5/4/2, Dexterity 3/3/4/5/5, Stamina 4/5/6/6/5
Social: Presence 2/2/3/2/2, Manipulation 2/1/0/1/1, Composure 3/3/1/3/3
Mental: Academics (Engineering) 3, Computers (Darkweb) 1, Crafts (Explosives) 2, Investigation 1, Science 3
Physical: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Larceny 3, Stealth 2, Weaponry 1
Social: Empathy 2, Persuasion 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
Other Traits
Merits: Direction Sense, Fast Reflexes 2, Fleet of Foot 2, Hypervigilance, Language (First Tongue), Sleight of Hand, Street Fighting 3
Renown: Glory 1, Cunning 1
Gifts: New Moon (Eviscerate); Insight (Prey on Weakness, Read the World's Loom); Hunting (Honed Senses)
Rite: Rite of Chained Rage, Rite of Dedication
Primal Urge: 1 Essence: 4 (max. 10)
Health 9/11/13/12/9 Willpower: 5 Harmony: 7
Size: 5/6/7/6/4 Speed: 12/13/16/19/17 Initiative: +9
Defence: 4/4/5/5/5 Armour: 0

XP: 18 spent (18 mortal, 0 uratha); Unallocated: 1 Renown

Auspice Abilities

Hunter's Aspect: The Silence: When the Irraka hunts, the prey begins to vanish, almost as though death had already taken them. It’s little things at first, small personal belongings disappear, people and spirits overlooking them. Compounding greater to the point where acquaintances forget them, and deeds they have performed begin to unravel. This won’t impact close friends, allies or resources gained through merits, but is unsettling none the less. Once per day something is lost or someone overlooks the prey. In the former case not much is to be done, the object just disappears. In the latter the prey can get their attention with a successful [Presence + Expression] roll, penalized by the Irraka’s Primal Urge. In severe cases this may cause the prey to be overlooked in a potentially harmful manner, such as a driver simply not seeing him cross the street. These instances may also require the prey to make an appropriate defensive roll to avoid harm.

Auspice Benefit: Closer than Thought: Under the dark moon, the prey cannot judge distance or threat. The Irraka can make use of the inherent uncertainty of the new moon. Once per chapter, the Irraka can become suddenly closer to a target. Mechanically, this can be expressed in one of the following manners:

  • The Irraka can move his initiative rating to within one point of a target’s, either one above or one below, depending where she is in the initiative relative to the target. He can’t make her Initiative result higher or lower than the target’s if it isn’t already.
  • He can move close enough to use his teeth and claws against one opponent who isn’t attacking him.
  • He can subtract –2 from the number of Doors needed in Social maneuvering.


Eviscerate (1 Essence): Use when making a Brawl or Weaponry attack against an unaware or surprised opponent, turning the attack into a rote action.
Honed Senses: Achieve an Exceptional Success on Perception rolls on 3 or more success.
Prey on Weakness (1 Essence, Presence + Empathy + Cunning vs. Composure + Supernatural Tolerance): Spend at least one turn observing the prey.
On Success: Learn the target's Anchors (Blood & Bone, Virtue & Vice etc.), how much damage they have suffered, any frailties they are suffering (including physical and mental Conditions and Tilts, if they are sick, poisoned, or drugged, etc), and whether they are in the grip of strong emotion. If the Uratah uses any of this information against the prey in a social roll or maneuever during the scene, he gains +3 to the roll.
Exceptional Success: In addition, if the uratha uses the information gleaned in a Social maneuever, he automatically opens one Door in addition to other results.
Read the World's Loom (5 Essence, or 3 if used in the uratha's territory): Learn of a single event, threat or circumstance of meaningful relevance to the Uratha within 1 mile per dot of Glory renown. Informaton gained relates to the present or near future, anything more than a day ahead will be vague. Example topics that the uratha can choose to gain insight into include threats, the supernatural, the gauntlet, the shadow, violence, conflicts, or weather. If the chosen topic has know meaningful answers, he can choose a different topic instead.


  • Direction Sense: Always aware of location in space, know which direction faced, never suffer penalties to navigate or find their way.
  • Fast Reflexes: Add Fast Reflexes to Initiative.
  • Fleet of Foot: Add dots in Fleet of Foot to Speed, and penalize pursuit rolls in a foot chase by Fleet of Foot dots.
  • Hypervigilant: Gains 8-Again to perception rolls, but gains Spooked condition on Exceptional Success.
  • Sleight of Hand: Once per turn, can make a Larceny instant action reflexively once per turn, and victims of his Larceny can't notice your attempts if they aren't specifically looking for them.
  • Street Fighting (Fighting Style)
    • Duck and Weave: Can take -1 to actions for a turn to use the higher of Dexterity or Wits to calculate Defence for that turn.
    • Knocking the Wind Out: On a successful unarmed attack, the opponent take -1 to his next roll.
    • Kick 'Em While hey're Down: On rolling more successes on an attack roll than target's Stamina, can Knock Down. Can reflexively deal 2 bashing damage to opponents attempting to rise from prone.
Mortal traits, depreciated.  
Tension: 2

Breaking Points

  • Not helping someone who needs it
  • Taking it out on someone who doesn’t deserve it
  • Allowing others to continue to commit harm
  • Abandonment
  • Being helpless