Fred Spears

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Fred Spears
Biographical Information
Full Name Franklin Lincoln Spears
Age 70
Residence Ormwood
Occupation Retired; Custodian (previously)
Organisation Willowgate Arcade (previously)

Franklin Spears was the custodian at Willowgate Arcade for three decades until he was retired by the closure and demolition of the arcade. He clashed frequently with Diana Graves during her tenure managing the arcade, shrugging off her posturing and controlling attitude with the practiced ease of a man who had spend decades dealing with little tyrants and was only marking time until retirement. During the incidents that lead up to the closure of the arcade, it was revealed that Spears was aware of the dangers of the Tree as he had been involved in the actions of Nathaniel Slocum, Layla Spears and others in stopping the previous incident in the 1980s [1].


Frank Spears is an African-American man in his early 70s. He has the sort of wiry build that only a long life of hard work can weather someone into, all the flesh on his bones having long since weathered to fine leather or steel-hard sinew. He squints at the world from under heavy silvered brows, starting to feel the need for glasses but refusing because that would mean accepting he was getting too old for something.


Fortitude and Pride. Spears is a stubborn old man, refusing to bend or buckle beneath the storms that life brings. He is terse and direct in his speech, having no time for platitudes, politics or whatever other stupid power trips people are playing.