Jane Barrows/Character Sheet

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Family: Namtaru Hunger: Nemesis
Legend: Judgemental Life: Honest
Aspirations: Punish someone, find out who attacked the girl in Moth Park
Conditions: Starving
Mental: Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social: Presence 2, Manipulation 4, Composure 2
Mental: Academics 2, Computer 1, Investigation (dreams) 2, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Science (psychology) 1
Physical: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1
Social: Animal Ken 1, Empathy 1, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 2, Socialise 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge (hidden emotion) 2
Other Traits
Merits: Area of Expertise (????), Barfly, Good Time Management, Resources 2, Sympathetic
Birthrights: Unsettling (reduce anothers' Composure by 1 for a scene by touch, eye contact or conversation)
Atavisms:Looming Presence, Shadowed Soul
Nightmares: Everything You Do is Worthless, You Deserve This
Lair Traits: Murmuring, Undergrowth
Lair: 1 Satiety: 2
Health: 9 Willpower: 4
Size: 5 (6) Speed: 9 Initiative: +4
Defence: 3 Armour: none

Experience: 1

Exp Spent/Bonus: 0

Work Required: 3 unspent merits, identify Area of Expertise


Looming Presence

Giants are not the only ones renowned for their size. Dragons, rocs, and kraken are all orders of magnitude larger and stronger than any human being, the cube-square law be damned. Beasts with this Atavism need not be especially tall, though most are significantly above average, but they are always intimidating, inspiring dread disproportionate to their height. People take notice of them and immediately stand aside.

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive

Normal Effect: The Beast’s actual height and weight are unchanged, but his effective Size is raised by (his Lair dots). Greater Size produces a commensurate increase in Health.

People instinctively react to the Beast’s effective Size instead of actual Size. A Beast with 2 dots of Lair registers as being Size 7, the same as a grizzly bear, so people immediately notice and cower he walks into a room. Demonstrating his real height only compounds the strangeness of the experience. Disquiet settles over those in the Beast’s shadow, granting him the rote quality on Intimidation rolls. Furthermore, the successful application of Hard Leverage opens one more Door than usual when using the Social maneuvering system, as people rightly fear his wrath.

Low Satiety: A hungry giant is a monster terrible to behold. He inspires fear in those around him, to the point that they quake at the thought of attacking him. Any opponent whose Size is less than the Beast’ effective Size (as indicated by the normal effect of this Atavism) suffers a penalty to all attacks against the character equal to half the Beast’s Lair, rounded up. This is in addition to the Beast’s Defense and any armor he might have.

Also, after any successful attack, the Beast’s player can choose to make a reflexive Presence + Intimidation roll (with the rote quality), contested by the target’s Resolve + Composure. If the Beast wins, the target gets the Beaten Down Tilt.

Satiety Expenditure: Onlookers suffer vertigo as the Beast’s presence is dramatically amplified. When he stretches and stands up straight, he seems to tower over everyone even though his actual height remains unchanged. The Size bonus from the normal effect is doubled, meaning the player adds (Lair x 2) to the Beast’s effective Size.

Additionally, his greater height accommodates a longer stride, making the species factor for the Beast 15 rather than 5 (meaning Speed = Strength + Dexterity +15). Many dead Heroes made the mistake of assuming Giants are as slow as in stories, and thus assumed they could outrun an angry giant.

Shadowed Soul

Medusa dwelled in darkness. Not by choice, no, but to hide from her own hideousness. No mirror was allowed within her Lair, and no friendly soul came to visit her. Even the darkness betrayed her in time. It permeated her flesh and filled her eyes, opening itself to her, until there was no more refuge in the dark. Gnashing her teeth, she shut her eyes and lay in wait, listening to the silence of her Lair. She belonged to the darkness and it to her.

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive Normal Effect: Darkness is not only the Beast’s natural state, it is her ally and does not impede her in any way. She can “see” in total darkness, including that created by supernatural powers, as if it were broad daylight. Furthermore, she is immune to the Blinded Tilt regardless of its cause. Even if her eyes are torn out, she can perceive shapes and movement in her environment using alien senses, though color is naturally lost on her. This is in addition to any environmental immunity granted by her Lair Traits.

Furthermore, the Beast can merge with any shadow large enough to contain her, temporarily dissolving her body into shadow substance. She is invisible, intangible, and impervious to physical harm in this state, but she can still speak and use her senses normally. She cannot move, however, except to leave the shadow, whereupon she regains physical form. Exposure to bright light or taking damage (such as from a magical attack) will also eject her. Otherwise, the Beast can remain in this state indefinitely. Natural means of seeing in the dark (such as night goggles) do not detect her, and supernatural means of detection provoke a Clash of Wills.

Low Satiety: The Beast can extend her senses through any area of contiguous darkness while in shadow form. That means she can look around corners, read papers from across the room, or listen in on conversations down the hall as long as even tenuous shadows connect her location and theirs. She has unfettered awareness in a completely dark environment. The Beast can only focus on one location at a time, but changing focus is a reflexive action. This ability is in addition to the normal effect.

Satiety Expenditure: The Beast deepens her communion with the darkness, which can transport her wherever it touches. For the rest of the scene, she can step into a shadow and “teleport” to another shadow anywhere in sight, assuming it is large enough to hold her. She can use this ability either while physical or in shadow form. Depending on the circumstances, the Beast can cross huge distances in a matter of minutes, all without being seen. This ability is in addition to the normal and low Satiety effects.


Everything You Do Is Worthless

In a sea of humanity, you are an uncharted island. No one even notices that you’re there, and no one will notice when you’re gone. You are doomed, not to die, but never to matter at all.

Dice Pool: Manipulation + Satiety vs. Resolve + Supernatural Tolerance

Normal: Any attempt the victim makes to interact with other people costs 1 Willpower. Even then, dice pools for any action meant to connect with others suffer a –2 penalty. Prolonged use of this Nightmare (roughly once a day per dot of the target’s Composure) may provoke breaking points or adverse Conditions like Shaken or Spooked.

High Satiety: As long as the Nightmare lasts, basic human interaction (even as simple as meeting the victim’s gaze and asking how he’s doing) counts as soft leverage in Social Maneuvering actions.

Satiety Expenditure: The victim cannot benefit from or participate in teamwork actions. However, being accustomed to relying on himself alone, the victim does not reduce his Defense after being attacked until the third time he’s attacked in a turn.

Exceptional Success: Any failed Social roll on the part of the victim is treated as a dramatic failure.

You Deserve This

Look around you. Everyone knows what you did. Did you really think you could get away with it? Everything that’s happening right now is karma, payback for your many, many sins. You brought this on yourself, and nothing you can do will make it right. All you can do is suffer.

Dice Pool: Presence + Satiety vs. Composure + Supernatural Tolerance

Normal: The victim gains the Guilty Condition, and cannot resolve it during the scene, no matter how much he confesses or tries to make restitution. After the scene ends, the Condition may be resolved normally.

High Satiety: As long as the victim has the Guilty Condition, he begins every fight with the Beaten Down Tilt. Even creatures that normally do not suffer the Beaten Down Tilt are affected.

Satiety Expenditure: As long as the victim has the Guilty Condition, he does not apply his Defense to incoming attacks. He may spend 1 Willpower reflexively on his turn to apply his Defense normally until the start of his next turn. However, his wound penalties become wound bonuses (i.e. with an injury marked in his third-to-last Health box, the victim has a +1 bonus to all actions instead of a –1 penalty), and he doesn’t fall unconscious when his last Health box is filled with bashing damage.

Exceptional Success: The penalty inflicted by the Guilty Condition is −4 instead of −2.


You are a natural at blending into social functions. Rolls to identify you as an outsider in a social situation suffer your Socialise as a penalty.
Good Time Management
When taking an extended action, halve the time required between rolls.
You are very good at letting others get close. At the beginning of a Social Manoeuvring attempt, you may choose to accept a Condition such as Leveraged, Swooned or Vulnerable to immediately eliminate two of the subject’s doors.