Aryan Legion

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The Aryan Legion are an offshoot of the Aryan Brotherhood based in New England. Originally known as the ABM - Aryan Brotherhood of Massachusetts - their power and interested remain focussed in the bay state but they have cells and members from Blackmouth to Hartford. The leadership of the Legion are lifetime inmates in Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, Mass, though have gangs throughout the prisons and correctional facilities of New England. Activities outside the prison system are centred around Boston, primarily involving drug trafficking and violence for hire. Individual cells are referred to as Companys or Troops and lead by a Captain. Some use german military or SS terminology (Kompanie or Division, lead by a Hauptmann or Sturmbannfuhrer)

Blackmouth is at the fringe of the Legion’s interests and influence. They are spread thin through the south of the city, operating primarily through cells and like-minded gangs. Their largest rivals are the Ushkovych (“mongrel slavs”) who aggressively protect their drug networks, and the United Black Nation (“filthy n****rs”), the nebulous ‘alliance’ of African-American gangs in the city.

Jackson’s Horsemen, the 1-8th Cavalry

The Legion company that used Jack’s as their bar of choice until it was destroyed[1] and the preeminent AL cell in Blackmouth. A close-knit cluster of working class men united by their experiences in prison and shared hatred of the lesser races. There are less than a dozen Horsemen, actual blooded members of the Legion who have done their time or otherwise made their bones, but they have gathered twice as many eager young thugs and skinheads who want to show the strength of the white race and make useful patsies and tools. They have little regard for alt-right types (“alt-light, more like!”), seeing them as all mouth but no will to do anything.

Known Members

Information gathered by Daniel Matthews for Morris.
  • Chris Black: Leader of Jackson's Horsemen. Convicted of manslaughter in 2002, released in 2016, has been running the Horsement since.
  • Eddy Carter: One of Black's right hand man. Ex-military and angry.
  • Sidney Holmes: Black's other right hand man. Lead the Horsemen on a crusade against Morris and Diana until Morris killed him[2].
  • Jeffrey Wagner: 40-something ex-con with a record for grand larceny. Died in the altercation at Jack's[3].
  • Others: Rudi Burton, Lester Cannon, Dean Castle, Corey Walter. Multiple others.