stories of a city & other places

Tag: chronicles

Under A Killing Moon


Up against your will.

The killing moon will come too soon

The Killing Moon, Echo & the Bunnymen

Under A Killing Moon is an ongoing chronicle set in Blackmouth in the late 2000s. It follows the story of four people drawn together by forces they do not understand.

The First Dream

Night time on the streets, snow and ash are falling, pooling about your feet as you walk. Its cold, bitterly so, the chill like a knife in your chest with every breath. All around you the buildings rise tall and thin like crooked grey teeth, lightless and dead. The only light from motes and sparks from a distant fire, hidden beyond the twisted shadow buildings. And the moon. The moon looms huge and brilliant, close enough to see a twisted whorl has been hacked into its surface, lambent quicksilver blood seeping up from the wound and dripping down onto the world. And then you wake up…

The Second Dream

Nighttime. The streets are cracked and grey and crumbling, snow and asha nd black sand cling like tar to your bare feet. Each icy breath fills your nose with the tang of fresh blood and the sour-sweet stink of spoiled meat. Something his hiding behind the soot black sky, beyond the twisted tendrils that once were buildings. So large and so distant that the fire motes suggest only a presence. A shapeless immensity, nothing more. And above it all, the moom hangs huge, rivers of quicksilver blood spilling from raw wounds unsettling similar to the shape of Jacob’s body, falling onto the world like rain…

The Dreamers


  1. Welling Up – In which four people wake from the same dreams and the world begins to grow strange.
  2. Digging Down – In which violence is chosen and unpleasant discoveries are made.
  3. Waking Dreams – In which answers and allies are sought, and things are seen in the cold daylight.

Shadows and Loss

Shadows and Loss was a short chronicle set in Blackmouth that ended due to the Covid Pandemic of 2020-. It follows the story of a small pack as they carve their place in the concrete jungle of the City of Arches, wrestling with urges and mysteries beyond the understanding of the mortal herd.

The Pack

Jayden Clearwater: Haunted former fraudulent occultist now facing the reality of the Hisil and the complexities of being an Ithaeur of the Hirfathra Hissu.

Franco Larsen: Ex-prize fighter turned gym-owner, newly changed Uratha not yet sure of his place in the Hunt.

Terry Burton: Lantern-jawed fire fighter, unlucky in love and trying to find a place with people who understand him.

Carter Johnson: Monumentally angry young man trying to cope with the complications and aftermath of his rage.


  • One Quiet Evening – A quiet evening is disrupted by a grisly discovery.
  • Parlor Games – In which leads are followed and wolves are invited into the spider’s den.
  • Threads and Chains – In which a simple haunting proves to be anything but.

Beneath Cold Boughs

Beneath cold boughs, cold deeds are done
Beneath cold boughs, innocence is hung

19th century children’s rhyme, origin unknown

Beneath Cold Boughs is an ongoing chronicle set in Blackmouth, currently on hodl due to the COVID pandemic of 2020-. It follows the story of three once-ordinary people as they try to survive the dangers of their own monstrous Hungers as well as the vast and lethal mysteries lurking in the shadows of the world.

Dramatis Personae

Diana Graves: A domineering social climber and corporate predator, the owner of Condor Acquisitions with a grand plans to bring the entire city into her grasp and remake it in her terrible image.

Jane Barrows: A student psychologist turned corporate aide, wrestling with her urges to hurt those most deserving of it and trying to keep a balance between the turbulent personalities of her kin.

Morris Mayfair: A small businessman who has fallen in with the Irish Mob, his monstrous strength and penchant for extreme violence with the slightest provocation has helped him on his path into the underworld but made enemies and alienated friends and family.


  • Things Fall Apart – Strange happenings in Willowgate Arcade lead three souls down a very dark path. [This was the first arc of Beneath Cold Boughs, completed before session records were written so is recorded here as a single entry].
  • In Bloom – Four weeks have passed since the incident with the Tree, those involved have tried to forget and get on with their lives but nothing is that easy.
  • Down Among the Worms – Diana and Jane encounter someone who may actually know what has happened to them, and Condor Acquisitions gains a new contract as a first step toward Empire.
  • Seeping Through the Skin – Morris trails the Tree and bites off more than he can chew as things begin to spin out of control.
  • The Upside Down – Diana and Jane deal with the aftermath of Morris’ rampage and find more layers to the mysteries and strangeness of the world they have descended into.
  • Intrusions and Invitations – Repercussions continue, accidents happen and an invitation behind the curtain is recieved.
  • At the Court of the Rose and Cross – The Children meet Lane and her Court and deals are struck.
  • Ripples on the Pond – Diana and Jane have a quiet week while Morris recuperates, but peace and quiet can only last a short while before breaking.
  • The Fire and the Fury – An attack on one of the Children is an attack on all of them, and revenge is wrought in fire, blood and pain.
  • In the Ashes – The aftermath of a night’s violence and Diana closes her grip on Presidents Row.
  • Stepping Inside – Condor Acquisitions joins the Ormwood Development family.
  • Conversations With Friends – Diana has a night at the opera she will not forget, and Morris finds himself the target of police investigations.
  • Ex Post Facto – The firebombing of Morris’ home leads Det. Mayou to begin digging deeper into the shady details of his life.
  • Escalation – The feud with the Aryan Legion deepens as Morris’ family is kidnapped.
  • Through the Caul – Jane sees another side to the world in Ashton Park, while Morris throws himself into work to hide the hole where his family should be.
  • Blood Will Out – Morris finds purpose in brutality, and answers in the dark beneath an archway in dreams.
  • Negotiation – The Children escape a botched ambush with materiel and a hostage to interrogate.
  • Knowest Thou – Morris begins to carve his mark into Ormwood while Jane and Diana prepare to meet SGSS.
  • Answers and Questions – Contact is made with SGSS, and answers are obtained along with a lot more questions.
  • Ignition – Morris and Jane begin working down The List of possible AL informants.
  • Iron and Blood – Jane pursues the Cranemaker intent on both answers and justice, and gains a little of each.
  • By Fire Unbound – Morris and Price pursue Eddie Carter and face more than they can handle.
  • Charlie Foxtrot
  • The Offered Hand

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