
Up against your will.

The killing moon will come too soon

The Killing Moon, Echo & the Bunnymen

Under A Killing Moon is an ongoing chronicle set in Blackmouth in the late 2000s. It follows the story of four people drawn together by forces they do not understand.

The First Dream

Night time on the streets, snow and ash are falling, pooling about your feet as you walk. Its cold, bitterly so, the chill like a knife in your chest with every breath. All around you the buildings rise tall and thin like crooked grey teeth, lightless and dead. The only light from motes and sparks from a distant fire, hidden beyond the twisted shadow buildings. And the moon. The moon looms huge and brilliant, close enough to see a twisted whorl has been hacked into its surface, lambent quicksilver blood seeping up from the wound and dripping down onto the world. And then you wake up…

The Second Dream

Nighttime. The streets are cracked and grey and crumbling, snow and asha nd black sand cling like tar to your bare feet. Each icy breath fills your nose with the tang of fresh blood and the sour-sweet stink of spoiled meat. Something his hiding behind the soot black sky, beyond the twisted tendrils that once were buildings. So large and so distant that the fire motes suggest only a presence. A shapeless immensity, nothing more. And above it all, the moom hangs huge, rivers of quicksilver blood spilling from raw wounds unsettling similar to the shape of Jacob’s body, falling onto the world like rain…

The Dreamers


  1. Welling Up – In which four people wake from the same dreams and the world begins to grow strange.
  2. Digging Down – In which violence is chosen and unpleasant discoveries are made.
  3. Waking Dreams – In which answers and allies are sought, and things are seen in the cold daylight.