First Tongue

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The First Tongue or Uremehir is the language of the Hisil, which can be spoken and understood by all spirits sapient enough to comprehend speech. Uratha gain an instinctive partial understanding of the First Tongue after their First Change which they can quickly develop into full fluency, though they lack the anatomy to fully verbalise the First Tongue in any form except gauru and must use a bastardised dialect more suited to their mostly-human larynx. Human mystics and occultists can learn the First Tongue with considerable effort but can never be truely fluency without magical assistance.

Glossary of First Tongue Terms

This will grow as terms are referenced in the wiki


  • Abni-Gur: Lit. the crucible of becoming. The Storm Lord philosophy that by overcoming hardship, they mught one day become like Urfarah.
  • Alathru: Gifts. The spiritual blessings that enable Uratha to wield spirit magic.
  • Amahan Iduth: Mother Moon. The respectful term used by the Tribes of the Moon to refer to Luna.
  • Anshega: Lit. the oath of heaven. The Pure Tribes, those Uratha who reject Luna and seek to return to the glory days of Pangaea.


  • Basu-Im: Lit. the rage meant to lay low. The Hard Rage. The true Death Rage, where the Uratha is so lost in their rage that they will attack and destroy everything, be it friend, foe or bystander.



  • Galal: Rites. Ritualistic magic that Uratha can perform to draw on the properties of the Shadow.
  • Gurihal: The Flesh. The material world, as contrasted to the Hisil, the Shadow.


  • Haranu: Lit. world-sadness. A form of depression that can afflict Uratha when beset with utter hopelessness, their Rage turned inward into intense depression and inexpressible longing for unnameable things.
  • Hisil: The Shadow, the animistic and eternally predatory otherworld that is home to spirits.
  • Hirfarthra Hissu: Lit. ghosts of the bones. The Bone Shadows, one of the Uratha Tribes of the Moon.
  • Hithdum: A fetish, a ritually-prepared object into which a spirit has been bound so that its powers may be called upon by the user.


  • Iminir: Lit. rulers of the storm. The Storm Lords, one of the Uratha Tribes of the Moon.
  • Idigathim: The Lunacy. The memory-stealing terror that strikes mortals on seeing one of the Uratha in their hybrid forms.


  • Kuruth: The Death Rage. The loss of control and sudden violence when a werewolf is provoked beyond the bounds of self-control and no longer able to restrain their rage.


  • Magath: An unnatural hybrid spirit, often created by a spirit consuming another spirit or large quantites of essence that are incompatible with its nature. They are singular entities, no longer part of any umia and maddened by the clash of conficting essences within one being.
  • Meninna: Lit. the crowned hunters. The Hunters in Darkness, one of the Uratha Tribes of the Moon.
  • Mir: Rage. The killing fury and predatory instincts that burn in the heart of every Uratha, especially evident in Gauru form.
  • Mus-rah: Lit. holy killing ground. A term used by Hunters in Darkness for the territory they hold sacred under their tribal oath.


  • Nuzusul: A werewolf before their First Change, specifically during the chaotic weeks that immediately proceeds the Change.


  • Sanghba'zir: Oathbreaker, especially ones who violates the Oath of the Moon.
  • Siskur-dah: The Sacred Hunt, both as a ritual hunt against defined prey, and as the lifestyle Uratha lead.
  • Suthar Anzuth: Lit. the bloodied talons of the eagle. The Blood Talons, one of the Uratha Tribes of the Moon.


  • Thu-Ibiru: Lit. all-war. A term used by Blood Talons for the destruction of all obstacles, physical, spiritual and mental alike to reach a Zen-like state of mind.


  • Umia: Also called a choir. A taxonomic category of spirits, identified by their nature. Depending on the spirits involved, an umia may be “weather spirits,” “tree spirits,” or “emotion spirits.”
  • Uragarum: Also called wolf-blooded or kinfolk. human who has kinship to werewolves, either through blood descent or contamination by experiencing the Lunacy. Some wolf-blooded, especially those caused by the Lunacy, may manifest minor supernatural traits, aggression or other shadows of their uratha blood, but just as many show no outer sign of their heritage beyond an immunity to the Lunacy.
  • Uratha: Werewolves, the half-flesh, half-spirit children of Father Wolf and Mother Moon.
  • Urdaga: Lit. the wolves of the sacred hunt. The Tribes of the Moon, those Uratha who swore the Oath of the Moon and seek to carry out the role and duties of their dead progenitor.
  • Urfarah: Father Wolf, the legendary progenitor spirit-god of the Uratha.


  • Wasu-Im: Lit. the rage meant to terrify. The Soft Rage. The first stages of the Death Rage, where the Uratha must vent their rage through violence but retains some degree of control.


  • Zi'ir: Lit. broken soul. Uratha whose souls have fallen so far out of Harmony that they are irreparably lost to madness.
  • Zisilim: Harmony. The internal balance between the flesh and the spirit which Uratha try to maintain.