Iron Masters

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The tribal symbol of the Iron Masters

The Iron Masters (Farsil Luhal in the First Tongue, lit. "masters of the canals") are one of the five Tribes of the Moon. They see themselves as adepts of change, adapting to the rapid pace through which humanity manipulates the material world and the Shadow. They seek new ways to do things, but do not slavishly embrace every new thing that comes along. That, in its way, is every bit as rigid and inflexible as clinging to tradition because that’s the way it’s always been done. In the grand tradition of tricksters everywhere, the Iron Masters question everything they come across, and only what they deem worthy is permitted to remain.

The Farsil Luhar keep in touch with each other, learning of changes that have come and how others have mastered them. Some Farsil Luhal keep in touch via Internet mailing lists or spirits who carry stories. Others hear nothing but the words of travelers. Some Iron Masters have their stories told throughout an area, while the reputation of a few spans the world. These legends and reputations are just another set of stories, and no Farsil Luhal can resist tinkering with tales of his own life.

Tribal Oath

Honor Your Territory in All Things. (Kul Kisura Udmeda in the First Tongue). Iron Masters do everything with their territory in mind and each change is evaluated with the territory's well-being in mind. It also serves to focus the Iron Masters on a goal and gives them a vantage point from which to observe change.


The Iron Masters revere Sagrim-Ur, Red Wolf, the most curious and youngest child of Mother Moon and Father Wolf. They tell how he always asked questions to Father Wolf and when Urfarah was attacked, he was fascinated for the new possibilities this would give the world. He was won by the Uratha in a riddle-contest where the only possible way to trick him was cheating. Sagrim-Ur keeps tabs on its children far more frequently than other Totems. He occasionally chooses some as Avatars of his power, sends messages to express his enjoyment of a clever trick and slowly encourages Iron Masters to challenge the norms, no matter how withdrawn they were before the First Change.

Iron Masters in Blackmouth

There have been few Iron Masters in Blackmouth since the violence of the Nights of the Broken Moon killed many members of the tribe and forced the rest to flee or go underground. The tribe has started to recover since those dark times, but they are a shadow of what they once were and they still bear the stigma of association with Hekate.

Notable members of the tribe who have appeared in chronicles set in Blackmouth include: