Vampires of Blackmouth (BCB)

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Vampires of Blackmouth encountered during the Beneath Cold Boughs chronicle.

Court of Rose and Cross

A gathering of vampires who met in a building owned by the Worshipful Fellowship of the Rose and Cross in a quiet corner of Ormwood. Apparently religious, part of something called the Lancea.


Controlled the Court of the Rose and Cross. Elegant, sociable and completely in control. Was referred to as "Her Grace" by the others at the court. Knew about what the Three are, referring to them as The Children. Does not claim to control all of Blackmouth but is apparently on good terms with whoever does. Has shares and an interest in Ormwood Development. Felt stronger than any other vampire present except Elijah. Diana swore an oath of fealty to her.

Known Aspirations (revealed by Diana's Eye of Heaven): increase the power of the Lancea and herself, knock the Carthians down, protect St. Bartholemew's graveyard.


Rail-thin man wearing a perfectly tailored three-piece black suit with a red priest's stole. Appeared to perform some sort of ritualistic function at the court, including leading the rite where Diana swore fealty to Lane. Discussed religion and history with Jane, during with Longinus and the Children were mentioned, as well as some old memories or rumours about the Willoughbys.

Known Aspirations (revealed by Diana's Eye of Heaven): deepen his studies of the Testament, increase the power of the Worshipful Fellowship of the Rose and Cross, expand his music collection


Stone faced man in a decent suit, dark hair and eyes. Apparently runs a cult in Presidents Row. Complained about Diana intruding on his domain resulting in a literal backroom deal being done. Resisted an impulsive Nightmare from Morris that earned Morris a warning not to do such things in the court.

Known Aspirations (revealed by Diana's Eye of Heaven): see Kenneth Garcia suffer, see Presidents Row flourish, sire a childe

Kenneth Garcia

A well-dresed Hispanic man in slightly older suit. Didn't talk to many people, perhaps being excluded by them. When he spoke to Jane, he affecting being above the petty politics and discussions of the court. Amused by Peters' distress at Diana moving into his territory.

Victor Grant

Big African-American man, was amused by Morris' attack on the Aryan Legion bar and got to talking with him. Apprently runs gangs in Kingston, offered Morris work if he ever wanted it.


There were others present at Lane's Court whose names were not mentioned.

  • The Woman with White Eyes: Looked like a student or other millennial type, jeans, T-shirt and sneakers. White-irised eyes and gaunt face. Had a knack for being unseen, no one noticed her half the time. Grabbed Melanie when she finally broke and tried to leave, had a grip like iron. Was the first to feed on her too, her bite obviously painful and frightening to her.
  • The Androgynous Biker: Spent the meeting leaning on a wall watching the room, talking occasionally to Peters and the Italian Man. Moved to intercept Diana when she first approached Lane until she waved him off.
  • The Italian Man: Keen-eyed man dressed in a mandarin-collared dress coat. Spent the time talking to Peters or Elijah, or watching the Three.