Ormwood Development

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The Ormwood Development Project is an urban renewal and redevelopment project formed to redevelop the Willowgate area of Ormwood in south Blackmouth. The project was first proposed in the early 2000s but was stalled by the Crash of 2008 and did not receive planning permission until the mid 2010s.

The Plan

The plan for the Project, as recorded on websites like futureblackmouth.com and city records, is for an extensive redevelopment of the Willowgate area of Ormwood, Lots of open areas and new buildings in New Classical style. Lots of buzz words about ‘a reimagining of Ormwood for the 21st century’, ‘classical sensibilities made new’, ‘multi-purpose spaces’ are used.

Key components of the design are focused around the three main avenues of Ormwood with plazas and pedestrian walkways over concealed carparks between them. All very modern and elegant. With pictures of vapid people smiling for the camera in the mock-up. The area that was Willowgate Arcade is to become a non-descript multi-purpose plaza joining Elm and Westgate Avenues.

It looks like the area will be soulless and gentrified, full of expensive properties that will be bought as investments and never lived in, the same retail and cookie-cutter coffeeshops as every other city, and odd sculptures that will require a guide to explain.


Greyburn Enterprises, a business concern with propery management and development concerns based in Stanton, is the heart of the project. Alan Coleman, CEO of Greyburn, is the head of Ormwood Development and originator of the Project.

Hafford 1020 Ltd. appears to be the source of the majority of the money behind the project. It is a shell company registered in Hartford CT, managed through a chain of other shells to Pinnacle Solutions, a company belonging to Theodore Slocum.

Delgado & Murray are attorneys to Greyburn Enterprises and the Ormwood project as a whole. Their company have been involved with all written contracts that Condor Acquisitions have signed with the project. They may also have closer connections to some of the other companies in the project.

Condor Acquisitions has joined the Project in an administration and management role, to act as an intermediary between Greyburn Enterprises and various construction companies as Phase 1 construction begins.

Other Companies: Barton Hand Ltd, Robel and Kuhn, Hackett and Heathcote Inc, Miller-d'Amore, Nikolaus LLC, Murray 567, Abshire-Graham Group, Delgado & Murray, Wolf and Thiel Ltd, Ratke-Simonis.


Alan Coleman

CEO of Greyburn Enterprises and head of Ormwood Development. Avarisious, tenacious and dancing to an unknown master's tune[1].

Megan Roth

Former VP for External Relations at Greyburn Enterprises. Abducted by Diana Graves[2] and offered as a gift to the Court of the Rose and Cross[3].

Theodore Slocum

Wealthy local businessman, inheritor of his Uncle Nathaniel's empire. Owns Pinnacle Solutions.