Werewolves of Blackmouth (UaKM)

From Blackmouth Chronicles
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Werewolves of Blackmouth encountered during the Under a Killing Moon chronicle.

The Wardens

A pack that claims territory around and under Lennox Circle, especially around the abandoned Dekker Street subway station. Noticed the disturbances in the Hisil that preceeded the dream-haunted wolves' Changes and took them in to teach them the ways of the People.


Iron-willed alpha and founder of the pack. Member of the Hunters in Darkness and Valkyrja Mot. Trying to quietly mentor where she can, finding she is better as a war-leader than a teacher and working to overcome that.

Jack Crow

Easy-going old urban shaman who first found Michael after his Change and argued to help the other nuzusul before they too Changed. Very concerned with what the Black Trees could be. Deeply ashamed that he fell into kuruth in Dekker Street and ravaged the Hisil there.

Lucan Black

Newest member of the Wardens before the four dream-haunted wolves. Pretty-boy goth musician with a silver voice and a sharp tongue. Was present when the BCPD arrested Atlas, Jerome and Michael when crashing at Winters apartment, and helped them regain control after the chaos of Atlas' Change.


Elusive urban artist, spends the least time in Dekker Street of all the Wardens. Responsible for the art decorating the den. Gave Jerome a few pointers on avoiding getting hit in a fight.



Gruff old wolf, friend of sorts to Morrigan. Helped the Wardens as muscle during their exploratory strike against the Black Trees. Member of the Blood Talons but detests Neil McCracken and his litany of sins during the Nights of the Broken Moon. More knowledgable than he would like about vampires.

Neil McCracken

Mentioned only. Leader of the largest Blood Talon pack in the area, responsible for the schism and violence of the Nights of the Broken Moon. Hates Hecate.