Baishan Kensas

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Baishan Kensas
Hanzerpag-ninna (Hunts-on-Wings-of-Fire)
Biographical Information
Auspice Rahu
Residence New England
Occupation Gang leader
Organisation Lightning Chains MC
Tribe Storm Lords
Lodge Thousand Steel Teeth
Pack Lightning Chains (alpha)
Physical Description
Gender Male (he/him)

Baishan Kensas, known to the Uratha by his deed name of Hunts-on-Wings-of-Fire is the alpha of the Lightning Chains werewolf pack and the leader of the outlaw motorcycle gang of the same name, an Elder of the Blood Talons tribe, and possibly one of the most dangerous werewolves in eastern North America. He worked with Neil McCracken to remove the Iron Masters during the Nights of the Broken Moon, and took advantage of the subsequent voids left in the criminal underworld to seize control of a broad swathe of business operating along the New England highways.


Baishan is tall, imposing and intensely masculine, built of hard edges and a statuesque physique forged in years of physical activity, with angular features that seem incapable of expressing joy and dark eyes that smolder with the embers of rage. He moves through rooms and crowds like he owns them, forcing others to keep pace with him or fall behind.

Storytelling Hints

Far too self-serious, Baishan's demeanour is untouched by humor and easily wounded by the slightest provocation. A hair-trigger temper simmers beneath the surface, always threatening to erupt at inopportune moments and held in check only by the tenuous threads of self-restraint. Beneath his prickly exterior, cloaked in self-righteousness and lies to himself about loyalty and pack, beats a mercenary heart that cares only for himself.


Under A Killing Moon

Baishan was present at the winter moot of 2009. Before the moot itself began, Bloody-Fingered Jenny introduced Atlas to him and the Lightning Chains, mentioning Hecate as she did so and slipped away as chaos brewed. The intervention of Dominic Fang-Breaker calling on tribal connections to other Blood Talons defused the situation enough to enable Atlas to slip away [1].

Known Connections
