Dominic Fang-Breaker

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Dominic Verbeck
Kuk-rakash (Fang-Breaker)
Biographical Information
Auspice Elodoth
Tribe Blood Talons
Physical Description
Gender Male (he/him)
Apparent Age 40s

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Dominic Verbeck, known to the Uratha by his deedname Fang-Breaker (intro paragraph)


Storytelling Hints


Under A Killing Moon

Dominic first appeared when Atlas, Jerome and Michael returned to Dekker Street Station after encountering a Black Tree in the steam tunnels while investigating the disappearance of William Sandoval. Dominic was recovering with the Wardens after assisting them in some aggressive reconnaissance of the pit below the Goodwill. He accompanied the pack when they carried out a Rite of Accomplishment and accepted the three nuzusul as full members of the People, though there was some tension between him and Jack due to the events of the Nights of the Broken Moon.

He later appeared at the Winter Moot, where he called on tribal bonds to defuse a moment of potential violence when Bloody-Fingered Jenny attempted to stir chaos between Atlas and Baishan Kensas [1]. Michael later talked to him about joining the Blood Talons and Dominic offered his support [2].


  • An old friend of Morrigan and fellow survivor of the Nights of the Broken Moon. Did not join her new pack due to Jack Crow's bad blood with Blood Talons.
  • Resents Neil McCracken for his crusades weakening the People and allowing vampires to kill his pack.
  • Has underworld connections with, especially with the Irish mob, who know him as someone willing to break people for a good cause and a decent pay-cheque.
